Sunday, December 16, 2012

Something Needs to Happen...But What?

        As you open any newspaper, from these past couple of days, the first thing you come across is an article detailing the shooting that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut, such as this article. Each and every article highlight the awful fact that twenty-six people were shot, twenty of which were children. As horrid as this incident is, worldwide school and mass shootings are not that uncommon. According to this timeline, there has been seventy-eight school and mass shootings since 1996. I was shocked by this number because you would think that after even two or three shootings, Congress would have done something to try and prevent these events from occurring again.

Now, I understand that it is trickery than it sounds. There is an ongoing debate over the pros and cons of gun control, one main reason being the second amendment, the right to bare arms, more reasons can be found here. However, if these mass shootings continue to occur, which they most likely will, something obviously needs to be done. What do you think is the best option to help ensure these shootings are not likely to continue to happen? Do you think the cons for gun control out way the pros enough to drastically change the second amendment?

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