Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is It the Excitement?

This weekend I went to the Bull's game and noticed how everytime a fight was about to erupt on the court, the crowd would go wild and begin to roar, shouting "Fight, fight, fight!" I would always be puzzled to why people were encouraging them to fight, when you know it was just going to turn out badly. I than read Mr. Bolos's blog and I became more intrigued about American's love for dangerous sports. As such, I decided to compare the top ten most popular sports to the top ten most dangerous sports. Not to my surprise, the lists were almost identical.
This didn't surprise me because most Americans love the action that comes with the violent sports, I mean I also find it exciting myself. However, why else do you think most Americans enjoy seeing when players get into fights? Or why the most popular sports in America are very similar to the most dangerous sports in America?

1 comment:

  1. I would say that people enjoy proving their team's utter superiority over another. Even if the point score isn't in their favor, they can save face by saying, "Well, my team can pound your team into the ground." Witness the famous saying I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.
