Sunday, October 14, 2012

Romney's Success at the Debate...

Mitt Romney had a clear victory at the presidential debate a couple weeks ago. Ryan, Romney's running mate, also did well during his debate in Ohio. Although, Biden did pretty well also. In any case, these debates have really helped Romney and Ryan gain a lot more support, according to an article from CNN, Romney, Ryan Buoyed by Debates.

          People were a bit surprised by how poorly Obama did at the pat debate just because he is known for his orating. But thats just it, he is an orator, not a debater. Also, in the past years presidents who run for a second term tend to do worse in the debate. This is because they are more used to speaking to the public, than listening and debating with others. For example, when President George W. Bush was running for a second term against John Kerry, Bush did not do well in the first presidential debate. However, he came back and did quite well in the second debate, allowing him to be reelected. Now, if Obama does not step up his game for the upcoming debate on the sixteenth will he lose the election? How vital is it for Obama to win this debate?

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